Start Right Mathematics Workbook Year 5

Start Right Mathematics Workbook Year 5
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NZ $26.99
Year 5 Mathematics Workbook introduces Level Three of The New Zealand Curriculum – Mathematics and Statistics.
It is set out in an attractive, write-on format, and the lively presentation is designed to fully engage young learners (typically, 9-year-old and 10-year-old students).

This is the fifth of the eight Start Right Mathematics Workbooks that together cover Levels One, Two, Three and Four of The New Zealand Curriculum – Mathematics and Statistics.

Year 5 Mathematics Workbook has the following features.
It is divided into the Mathematics and Statistics curriculum learning strands ‘Number and Algebra’, ‘Geometry and Measurement’ and ‘Statistics’.
The specific curriculum Achievement Objective being covered is given at the foot of each page, as a reference for parents and teachers.
Brief, clear explanations are used to introduce concepts.
Relevant worked examples are included to illustrate ideas and definitions.
It contains a variety of activities and puzzles that provide opportunities for students to apply knowledge and practise skills.
Answers are provided in the back of the book.

Published: 07/2023

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