Start Right Mathematics Workbook Year 8

Start Right Mathematics Workbook Year 8
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NZ $26.99

Year 8 Mathematics Workbook completes coverage of Level Four of The New Zealand Curriculum – Mathematics and Statistics.

It is set out in an attractive, write-on format, and the lively presentation is designed to fully engage young learners (typically, 12-year-old and 13-year-old students).

This is the last of the eight Start Right Mathematics Workbooks that together cover Levels One, Two, Three and Four of The New Zealand Curriculum – Mathematics and Statistics.

Year 8 Mathematics Workbook has the following features.

  • It is divided into the Mathematics and Statistics curriculum learning strands ‘Number and Algebra’, ‘Geometry and Measurement’ and ‘Statistics’.
  • The specific curriculum Achievement Objective being covered is given at the foot of each page, as a reference for parents and teachers.
  • Brief, clear explanations are used to introduce concepts.
  • Relevant worked examples are included to illustrate ideas and definitions.
  • It contains a variety of activities and puzzles that provide opportunities for students to apply knowledge and practise skills.
  • Answers are provided in the back of the book.


Published: 07/2022

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