On Track 3 - YR 11 (NCEA Level 1)

On Track 3 - YR 11 (NCEA Level 1)
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Based on the New Zealand maths curriculum for use at home and school.
NZ $26.99

‘On Track 3’ is a write-on student workbook that provides a comprehensive study programme for students wishing to sit any combination of the following NCEA Level 1 Mathematics Achievement Standards :

AS 1.1  -  Apply numeric reasoning in solving problems
AS 1.2  -  Apply algebraic reasoning in solving problems
AS 1.4  -  Apply linear algebra in solving problems
AS 1.5  -  Apply measurement in solving problems
AS 1.7  -  Apply right-angled triangles in solving measurement problems
AS 1.8  -  Apply knowledge of geometric representations in solving problems
AS 1.9  -  Apply transformation geometry in solving problems
AS 1.10 - Investigate a given multivariate data set using the statistical enquiry cycle
AS 1.11 - Investigate bivariate numerical data using the statistical enquiry cycle
AS 1.12 - Demonstrate understanding of chance and data
AS 1.13 - Investigate a situation involving elements of chance

'On Track 3' is best bought at the start of the school year and used throughout the year as a homework resource. Alternatively, the book may be used as an independent study resource for use in the lead-up to internal and external assessments.

‘On Track 3’ has 192 pages and covers NCEA Level 1 standards worth a total of 36 credits. Instruction boxes and worked examples appear on almost every page and help students with independent study. At the end of each chapter there is a valuable revision test which can be used by candidates to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses before assessments. A full set of answers is included, which can act as a guide to structuring quality answers. Sigma has now perforated all pages so that homework assignments can be handed in while work is ongoing and the answer pages may be retained by the teacher if desired. 

Once completed, ‘On Track 3’ provides a useful set of study notes at assessment time. It should be kept as a reference book if students intend taking a Year 12 maths course.


Chapter 1   -  Numeric Reasoning                                 (AS 1.1)
Chapter 2   -  Algebraic Methods                                   (AS 1.2)
Chapter 3   -  Linear Algebra                                         (AS 1.4)
Chapter 4   -  Measurement                                           (AS 1.5)
Chapter 5   -  Right-Angled Triangles                            (AS 1.7)
Chapter 6   -  Geometric Representations                     (AS 1.8)
Chapter 7   -  Transformation Geometry                        (AS 1.9)
Chapter 8   -  Investigating Multivariate Data                 (AS 1.10)
Chapter 9   -  Investigating Bivariate Data                     (AS 1.11)
Chapter 10 -  Chance and Data                                     (AS 1.12)
Chapter 11 -  Investigating Chance                                (AS 1.13)

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