Start Right Senior Handwriting Workbook

Start Right Senior Handwriting Workbook
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NZ $16.99

Senior Handwriting Workbook is set out in an attractive, write-on format, to engage young learners (typically, 9-year-old to 12-year-old students).

This is the second of two Start Right Handwriting Workbooks that are based on the document Teaching and Writing by the Ministry of Education and the ‘Speaking, Writing and Presenting’ strand of The New Zealand Curriculum – English.

Senior Handwriting Workbook aims to help students practise writing legibly and with increasing speed. It has the following features.
  • Clear instructions on the correct formation of letters are given.
  • There are guidelines on linking letters.
  • Writing practice and copying exercises are designed to help students develop fluent and legible writing.
  • Speed and dictation exercises give students practice in writing quickly and with ease.


Published: 08/2022

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